Shipping Rates & Delivery Times

Indonesia: $5 (3-5 working days from dispatch of order)

Australia, China, Hongkong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand: $15 (5-10 working days from dispatch of order)

United States: $20 (7-14 working days from dispatch of order)

Please note that the shipping cost is not inclusive any customs or import duties that may be levied upon parcel arrival in destination country. Some items may require additional shipping charge. All shipping costs are non-refundable

Payment Method

At the moment, girasolemrkt.com only accepts PayPal.

Returns, Refunds

Given the nature of our products, we do not offer a return or refund on a purchase unless your parcel was lost. 

We are very sorry if your parcel was lost. Please fill the "CONTACT" form to request a refund and we will assess your request. All requests will be refunded to original method of payment. You will receive the credit within a certain amount of working days. Shipping costs are non-refundable. The cost of shipping will be deducted from your refund